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Radioactive Materials Licensing

Solutient Technologies has successfully completed a number of projects throughout the United States that involved the comprehensive analysis, site characterization, decontamination, Radiological decommissioning and radiological decommissioning of facilities, equipment and landmasses. With extensive experience in applied health physics particularly the design and implementation of large-scale decontamination and decommissioning projects, Solutient Technologies is uniquely qualified and experienced to provide turnkey D&D services for your next project.

D&D Services

  • Radioactive Materials
  • NORM / TENORM Materials
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Mixed Waste Materials
  • Depleted Uranium (DU) Munitions

Solutient Technologies offers complete development, implementation and oversight for all facets of decontamination and decommissioning programs including characterization surveys, final status survey plans and final release surveys incorporating all the industry recognized and approved surveying methodologies including:

  • NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
  • NUREG/CR-5849, Manual for Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Termination
  • Regulatory Guide 1.86, Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors (NRC 1974)

Solutient Technologies possesses two separate radioactive materials licenses issued by the States of California and Ohio. Each mobile license authorizes work at customer facilities involving regulated quantities of radioactive material. Over the last three years, our licenses have been approved for use at more than sixty project locations nationwide. To date, all licensed activities have been performed without violation, incident or overexposure.

Our Projects

Solutient Technologies has earned a solid reputation as a small business industry leader and national provider of full-scope radiological services, environmental consulting, and remediation services designed to meet the varied needs of governmental and industrial clients. Our technical excellence, depth of resources, financial strength, national presence, and client focus are the basis for our reputation of providing responsive, high quality, and innovative services.

Request Our Services

We understand the need to complete these types of projects safely and expeditiously to protect the health and safety of residents and workers in areas thought to be contaminated. Allow Solutient to assess your property and provide you with the tools to restore your peace of mind.

Please forward an electronic copy of Solutient's Ohio Radioactive Materials License.

Please forward an electronic copy of Solutient's Ohio Radioactive Materials License.