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Miamisburg Mound Community Improvement Corporation (MMCIC)

Mound Advanced Technology Center Sewer Project
Miamisburg, Ohio
Amount: $475 K

Background: The Mound facility operated from 1948 to 2003 supporting the early atomic weapons programs by manufacturing non-nuclear and tritium-containing components for nuclear weapons. The Mound Site was placed on the National Priorities List in 1989 and site remediation was initiated due to the presence of low-level radioactive contamination in soil and volatile organic compounds in the ground water. In 1998, DOE conveyed the Mound property to the Miamisburg Mound Community Improvement Corporation (MMCIC) to transition the site for reuse as a technology and industrial park. Solutient Technologies supported the remediation efforts at the site as parcels of property were transitioned to the MMCIC for economic redevelopment.

Scope of Work:

Major elements of the project completed by Solutient Technologies included:

  • Performed initial characterizations, decontamination and survey for release of three sewer trunk lines, active and abandoned sanitary sewer systems, and the site storm water sewer system comprising over 50 manholes and collection areas.
  • Sewers identified as impacted or radiologically contaminated were decontaminated using conventional and state of the art cleaning techniques under permitted confined space entry procedures.
  • All waste from the project was characterized, prepared and packaged for disposition by the Department of Energy.
  • Completed a modeling report that Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and EPA approved for the unrestricted use of the sewers and allowed for agricultural land application of the non-radioactively contaminated sludges from the project.

Solutient’s free release of the sewers resulted in the successful tie in of the Mound site sewer system into the City of Miamisburg city sewer system freeing land parcels for subsequent transfer to MMCIC for redevelopment. Solutient worked directly with the City of Miamisburg, the Ohio EPA and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) to obtain approval for the agricultural land application permit.

Request Our Services

We understand the need to complete these types of projects safely and expeditiously to protect the health and safety of residents and workers in areas thought to be contaminated. Allow Solutient to assess your property and provide you with the tools to restore your peace of mind.

Please forward an electronic copy of Solutient's Ohio Radioactive Materials License.