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Site Assessments & Surveys

Solutient Technologies conducts complete and accurate site assessments for detailed planning thus insuring that every remediation project is successful by limiting client liability and controlling project costs.

Site Assessments include:

  • Instrumentation Surveys
  • Air Monitoring
  • Water and Soil Sampling
  • Geological Surveying and Sampling
  • Contamination Surveying

All site assessment findings and results are presented in a comprehensive report which provides recommendations for proceeding to the next phase of the project as necessary.

Our surveys incorporate all the industry recognized and approved surveying methodologies, which include, but are not limited to the following:

  • NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) which includes performing characterization / scoping surveys and post remediation Final Status Surveys.
  • NUREG/CR-5849, Manual for Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Termination
  • Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.86, Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors (NRC 1974)

Solutient utilizes state of the art equipment in the performance of all surveying activities and routinely utilizes Global Positioning System (GPS)-assisted equipment to survey larger areas for contamination.

Solutient’s radiological equipment inventory is unparalleled in the industry, thus providing our clients with the assurance that the survey results are timely and accurate.

Our Projects

Solutient Technologies has earned a solid reputation as a small business industry leader and national provider of full-scope radiological services, environmental consulting, and remediation services designed to meet the varied needs of governmental and industrial clients. Our technical excellence, depth of resources, financial strength, national presence, and client focus are the basis for our reputation of providing responsive, high quality, and innovative services.

Request Our Services

We understand the need to complete these types of projects safely and expeditiously to protect the health and safety of residents and workers in areas thought to be contaminated. Allow Solutient to assess your property and provide you with the tools to restore your peace of mind.

Please forward an electronic copy of Solutient's Ohio Radioactive Materials License.

Please forward an electronic copy of Solutient's Ohio Radioactive Materials License.