Performance Expertise
Payments Accepted
Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corp (Metallurg)
License Support, Decommissioning and Termination
Cambridge, Ohio
Amount: $268 K
Background: Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation (SMC) purchased a 120-acre industrial site south of Cambridge, Ohio from the Foote Mineral Company (FMC) which operated the site from the 1950’s to 1987 under an Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) source material license. With the purchase, SMC assumed license responsibility for the low-level radioactive slag remaining on the site from the previous owners operations. SMC decontaminated the manufacturing facilities, most of the grounds, and consolidated the radioactive material into two slag piles. On January 30, 2001, SMC’s NRC license was amended / converted into an Ohio Department of Health (ODH) BRP license and the “Decommissioning Plan (DP) for the Cambridge, Ohio Facility – Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation” was approved just over one year later.
Scope of Work:
Major elements of the project completed by Solutient Technologies included:
- Provided Health Physics personnel in support of the excavation and subsequent capping of the radioactively contaminated slag pile. Soil contaminated with vanadium and low levels of other isotopes was excavated from around the slag pile, placed on top of the pile and capped with clean clay from an adjacent borrow. Solutient?s primary objective was to monitor and control contamination from trucks and personnel during capping phase of the project.
- Prepared the site-wide Final Status Survey (FSS) Plan in accordance with MARSSIM protocol and submitted it to the ODH. The plan, which was approved shortly after submittal, demonstrated that the final status survey activities of the Class 1 areas around the slag pile met the established criteria after capping.
- Performed the Final Status Survey and wrote and submitted the FSS Report upon completion of the site remediation activities.
- Coordinated all work with other contractors who were installing a berm around the areas being surveyed. More than 300 surveys were performed on vehicles entering the control area. Solutient was also responsible for providing all training, dosimetry and environmental monitoring for the project.
- Wrote the long-term Operation and Maintenance (O&M;) Plan which included performing GPS surveys and authoring the Radiation Safety Protection Plan. The Plan has undergone an initial review by ODH (radiological) and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) (chemical).
- Successfully represented SMC on two ODH radioactive materials license inspections.
While Ohio Department of Health rules do not allow for license termination under a restricted release, the ODH concurred that site decommissioning requirements have been completed. Solutient is currently under contract to submit the final “Possession Only” license application which will amend / convert the decommissioning license into a long-term source material possession license.
Request Our Services
We understand the need to complete these types of projects safely and expeditiously to protect the health and safety of residents and workers in areas thought to be contaminated. Allow Solutient to assess your property and provide you with the tools to restore your peace of mind.